Sunday, January 15, 2017

Village Health Team Village Training. "How Many People....."

Hello friends, family and virtual team!  We are back with some excerpts from our uganda mission trip. This team is amazing.  Your team leader was stung by a bee in the neck when the bees swarmed me in the outdoor shower. Yes, I am allergic but had medication and Suzan and Emmanuel clinic took care of me very well!!  Hallelujah thank God!  I was unable to go on the village outreach however this veteran team can carry on with the work and locally trained Ugandans so well! Music to my soul!  We now have 24 village health workers trained in this Emmanuel clinic region near the farm serving 9 remote villages.

- From Brenda Gilmore,  "How many people can you stuff in a bus going 15 kilometers that took over an hour on bumpy deep rutted roads, in high 80 degree weather, without air conditioning, with bushes scraping on side of bus entire way?? SEVENTEEN
 to be exact!

 M'Biora here we come with Hope2One Life team and VHT team!"  "Also visited Kampala Village and greeted with music and songs of gratitude. Giving out vitamins to kids" Great Day!

- Brenda Gilmore

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