Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Education continues...Micro finance project begins...redemption through tragedy gives Hope

Education continues in the classroom at Canaan Farm with my students progressing in their Workbooks-on to the next level-exciting! I helped lead a Bible study with 20 women/2 men. The topic was prayer and you could feel God's presence as His Word was read in Acholi & Swahili & English. Then outside there was more dancing, singing & drums after a village meeting at the Farm that announced H2O Life was helping them buy an acre to farm & drip irrigation for vegetable income generation project. H20 gifted them half of the irrigation drip lines and is starting a samll micro finance project with this as they have had business training and they will be paying back the second half of the drip line costs with a loan they will pay back with profits at 3 years or sooner. We are excited as this empowers them and gives responsibility and endless possibilities to bring their families out of poverty once succesful.

We awoke at 4:30 this morn & cruised (rather bounced on rough roads) to Kitgum to look at a potential well site. We were in the heart of land devastated by the LRA war & Kony. We toured Kitgum Infant Care Center & met with the Director of a 100-child Tender Trust orphanage. I am overwhelmed by the kindness, hospitality, & joy of the people I have encountered. Redemption grows delicately toward the surface through soil of tragedy to see hope blossom..So grateful for all of you. Heather R

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