Monday, December 16, 2013

Contrasts in Uganda Drastic

The contrasts in Uganda are drastic: the fertile, flourishing South vs the dry, challenging North. One woman dressed in the full chitenge dress w/ African fabric and head scarf vs a man in jeans and an Orange Crush t-shirt. The languages: Acholi, Luganda, Swahili, Lugishu, English, Alur, Lubwara, Kinyoro, and many more vying for prominence. The peaceful, hazy, safe environment vs the inconceivable atrocities that occured in the North.
We experienced more joy, dancing and singing- the theme/heartbeat of Kampala Village-yesterday. It was touching to see the children excited about their crayolas and coloring paper (a picture of hands washing to prevent sickness-educate, educate!)
Today my 20 students worked hard to get English into their brains. It touched me to see an 80-year-old woman spread her arthritic hands across the Primer and carefully sound out 'b-a-s-k-e-t.' One's age is never a limitation to the zealous possibility to learn and expand. We followed with a Bible study on love-how we can love only because God invented love and loved us first. Also we had great discussion on what loving our brothers and sisters looks like-literally being Jesus' hands and feet.
I am planning on packing up my toiletries, journal, clothes and the Ugandan friends I've met to bring home with me. I just can't adequately describe the depth or gregarious nature of my friends, so I must have you all meet them...if only this was possible, our home would be full, happy and never dull. #gratefulinUganda -Heather R.

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