Sunday, May 11, 2014

Meet Terence

Meet Terence

May 2, 2014

I have known Terence since 2006, when our team from Calvary Chapel Billings joined Far Reaching Ministries on a mission trip which included going to LRA war torn Kitgum and the Infant Orphan Care Center. Terence is an amazing man, who had a curious mind, even at a young age when he developed polio. He was crippled and had difficulty walking with one leg, yet still stived to go to school. Disabled children in Uganda are not thought worthy and thus money not spent on what is felt to be wasted school especially in those days, but Terence persisted and hobbled to school enthusiasitacally every day. He was very bright and eventually a catholic mission priest saw his potential and dedication and sponsored him. He completed his studies at the top of his classes. He became a nutritionist and worked at St Joseph's hospital in Kitgum during the height of the war and managed the nutrition and feeding center. Many babies were being abandoned at the hospital with no mother or caregiver as families were massacred and babies left behind living. Mothers died in child birth quite frequently. And, the war created such fear and poverty, many could not take care of their starving children so abandoned them. Extended families were also stressed with many orphans as the AIDS epidemic was also going on. The hospital was overcrowded and a very sad sad sight. Terence felt for these babies and children and decided to open a center to care for them in 1992. He knows a lot about a lot of things since then and has also worked with Goal in Kalongo at thier nutrition center, with unicef, world food programme and USAID. Hope 2 One Life has supported the Infant care center since 2007 with medical assistance, as well as Tender Trust, and the deaf and blind school. Terence overseas all of the accounting and reciepts for this and reports to me quarterly and on time, even better than any of the american missionaries have been able to do in the past! He also had to report to Far Reaching Ministries detailed reports. Therefore, when the accountant/administrator left Emmanuel Clinic early on and the reporting was not timely or accurate, I felt the need to come over and help straighten some things out. Terence came to mind, and thankfully he is between jobs and the infant care center will be closing by the end of this year.
He agree to meet and Richard and Suzan (who also knew him previously) accepted this idea to enlist his help graciously.

This has proven to be a Godsend, as Terence found our clinic registration was not correct and has a lot of knowledge about health centers and knows people we can consult if he does not know the answers. He has come up with document after document and procedure after procedure through his knowledge and contacts. Thank you God! More to come as we go along of these clinic challenges!

My next favor to call on, will be to Dr. Sr. Vincentina, our good friend from Kalongo, who is retired and now living in Gulu. I will be arranging a trip to Gulu to see her soon as well.

I love it when a path of light opens up and guides the way. Guardian angels thank you!


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