Sunday, January 29, 2012

Shining Light - Emmanuel Clinic

"Let there be light!"
Yesterday the men finished the solar panel and electrical work and the clinic was lit up like a christmas tree! It was truly amazing! I am in awe how the blessing of "light" will bring so much to the farm! I am so very blessed to be here in Uganda! Each day brings a new experience and opportunity to help those in need. The Family Empowerment Farm ceases to amaze me every day! Everyones hard work at home in the United States and here on the farm has truly paid off. I can't wait to continue on our travels and see all the smiles of those we pass!
God Bless everyone and thank you for all your hard work in getting us here and helping these people who truly deserve it!

Jessica Gilmore

Note from Nadine: Jessie is the epitomy of "light". She cascades it all around her wherever she goes, giving freely of her love and kind gentle spirit! Just ask Baby Robinson! Thank you Jessie for completing the team, you were the glue that held us happily happy together (and carried Stu's ball the whole trip!).

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