Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Hallelujah...we have connection!

Hi everyone,

How the time flies in Uganda! I think I have finally figured out how to sort of get this new blog set up....the older posts from last year are attached to the previous blog..could not seem to get them to separate..FYI.
All is very well! After arriving Entebbe airport with all luggage intact and sailing through customs..it was wonderful to smell and feel the sweet warm air of Uganda...like home to me by now! We had a restful night...then organized our travels in the morning. The AIDSpirit team went in one bus,to Kayunga. Brenda, Leigh and Bryce and Sara in another bus to the Family Empowerment Farm with all of our many many tubs! Via Kampala to change money, do a few errands, etc. Tom, I, Richard an Prichard were off in the to meet with MultiLines Int..our clearing agent for the container, Tex Tychon of Connect Africa..and our bio-sand water filter connection in Kampala...and Draco Drilling to arrange the deep water well assessment on the farm (has lots of sediment and found not to be constructed right originally). All went well with these meetings. MultiLines was happy to meet me to see we/I am serious! I gather I had a huge learning curve in this shipping business...The container arrived Mombasa Jan 10th and will be heading to Kampala in another week or so. They have warned may be a some extra costs...not too surprising..I hope it is just the amount they say in the end! Tom scheduled Draco to come up to the farm and they did assess the well...needed a lot more gravel pack to get the sediment out which affects the flow..but it seems will work. Tom can fill in more..

I stayed over a day also to pick up the Oregon nursing team and also buy medicines for the village clinic and the AIDSpirit/Tender Mercies Sickle Cell outreach with the Sickle Cell Association of Uganda. Oh boy...want a long day...5 hours waiting to get it all packed..but this is Uganda...slow way way down! Everyone kids me...Action Nadine in non-action Uganda... I really rested yesterday however and it felt good. So, I will slow down...

We are all on the Family Empowerment Farm in Masindi...Team Montana and Team Oregon.
After a morning tour for the newcomers and (oldcomers)some introductions, a ground breaking ceremony was held for the beginning of the clinic build "Buy a Brick" project. It was very moving and powerful..and Glory was given to God, as this seems miraculous to all...imagine..the first time I visited...they refugees from the LRA war simply prayed for tin pots to boil the muddy pond water...and blankets to keep their children warm..and 4 years later... Bricks, bricks and more bricks have been made locally here on the farm. Carol, baby, this is your dream... The clinic was officially christened "Emmanuel" (God with us). Thank You Bob and Linda..this is for you! Thank you to everyone...we are so grateful and none of this could be accomplished without the support, generosity and prayers from all of you at home.

The other projects are also going on very well! Here is some of what we are doing...1) Village Health Worker Training School 2) Bio-Sand Water filter construction and training 3) Drip Irrigation and garden planting 4) Jewelry Making 5) Children's Ministry 6) Clinic Build 7) Deep Well Re-vamp..solar pump system for passion fruit orchard irrigation 8)Patient Healthcare and village clinic.
And do we have some stories! I will let the others tell them though. We are so busy hopefully we can keep the news flowing. Especially now with the satellite internet connection on the farm! Yes...connection!

Everyone is well and happy and healthy..


1 comment:

  1. Hi every one, it's Nancy. This is the next best thing to being there with you all. Have you tried making soap yet Brenda? If you can, please send pictures, especially of the building w/the bricks. I'd love to have a pix of Suzan too. I wake up about 0200-0300 to pray for you all. Love, Nancy
